About Us

About Us

The church of Christ meeting on Manslick Road is a group of Christians striving to glorify God. We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and appeal to the Bible for all that we do (1 Pet. 4:11). 

As a local church, we meet regularly to worship God and build up one another. At every service, we pray together (1 Tim. 2:1-6), sing praises to God in edification of each other (Col. 3:16), and listen to the word of God proclaimed (Acts 2:42). On the first day of the week, we partake of the Lord’s Supper in memorial of Jesus’ death on the cross (Acts 20:7) and give as we have prospered as our means of continuing the work at this congregation (1 Cor. 16:1-2).

We encourage you to worship with us at any opportunity you may have. As a visitor, you are not expected, nor will you be asked, to make any form of contribution. We simply ask you to come with an open mind and an open Bible. 

Apart from our regular services, we work together to serve God and encourage one another. We are a family of God who serve one another and encourage one another in our walk with God. Our chief desire is to glorify God in this life and to be with Him in Heaven in the life to come.

In addition to our times of worship, if you live in the Louisville area, we would be happy to study the Bible with you in the comfort of your home.